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Phase 1 - Initial Training

Anchor 1

Start with page 7

Read and Study this paper.

It will answer most of the

questions you will have on

the Scanner.

Cady Report
White Paper

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Page 7 training_edited.jpg

Training Page Link

These are the 3 core products
to learn first

Once you receive shipping confirmation of your scanner proceed to phase 2

Anchor 2

Phase 2 - Initial Activity

Launching Your scanner party
understanding the business plan

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10 core 

Show Stories of
product success
Anchor 3

Phase 3 - Setting up

Setting up your Back office
Compliance training
Set up your banking
name badge logo for site pic_edited.jpg
Name Badge Link
Logo for

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My Site set up
Get all your forms printed
Order forms
Editable Brochure
brichure web pic_edited.jpg
Make your
research guide

Editable Order Form

Fully Customizable

- Compendium -

Over 80  Articles


Correlations Between Macular Skin & Serum Carotenoids

- Serum vs skin


-  Raman-Yale

 Carotenoids, inflammation, and oxidative stress

- Carotenoids and COVID 2021

- cancer research

- Ocular Carotenoid Status in Health and Disease

 clinicals scanner Scanner White Pape

- raman reaearch 

Dietary Carotenoids Are Associated with Cardiovascular Disease Risk Biomarkers 

Anchor 4

Phase 4 - Setting your Long Term Business Plan

understanding the business plan

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create your 5 year business plan

Practice Your Presentation
10 Min Presentation
power point

Putting your plan into action

Click for
Anchor 5
Create your Clinic leave behind packet
Step #1

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15 cent Folder
1. Cady Report
2. Patent
3. Correlation
4. yale
5. 5 +10 Scan
Place QR codes 
of choice
Note: place a sticker underneath Biz Card
10 scan
5 scan
Click for template

avery label 8164

Avery QR code 
Sample Bags
Modern Architecture
Anchor 6
Small business wellness plan

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Here is the sample
template, please feel free to edit.
we are still working
on the program.
exciting New things on the Arise

This link will take you to a landing page for the Qr codes used for downloads
Anchor 7

Life Pak

Pharmanex PIP's


NU Biome

Night Time


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TeGreen 90

Reishi Max


TR 90



Mighty Minds

Estera I

Estera II

Estera III




Anchor 8

Material suggested

The Tools below are simply suggestions that I have found to be the most cost effective way in reproducing material cheap and effectively.  I am not endorsing any specific brand, merely the Items I am currently using.

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Use a super tank style printer

The model I currently use is an Epson St-4000.
You want to find a Super Tank style printer.  You can print over 10,000 color pages per tank.

Refill bottles.webp
Refills are
super cheap
around $70 range
Sheet Laminator
1/2" in rings
laminator macjine pic_edited.jpg
3" ring binders
Standard sheet
ring binder_edited.jpg
sheet protectors_edited.jpg
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